Since 2012, Vibrant Communities Charlotte County (VCCC) served Charlotte County as one of the 12 Community Inclusion Networks established in New Brunswick in support of the provincial poverty reduction plan, Overcoming Poverty Together. While each regional network looked a little different, we each had the same goal: Reducing poverty through fostering connection, collaboration and empowering our communities.
In the fall of 2022, the work of VCCC transitioned to the Southwest NB Service Commission (SNBSC) to now be part of the services offered under its new mandate of Community Development. VCCC’s work in poverty reduction, working across sectors, fostering partnerships, building capacity, and leveraging resources will continue under this mandate at SNBSC. By joining together, we will have opportunities for increased capacity, coordination and collaboration to further community development across the region.
OUR VISION is for everyone living in Charlotte County to have the opportunities, resources, and security to thrive and actively participate in their community.
Informing Change: Collecting and sharing knowledge and best practices
Inspiring Change: Building a poverty reduction movement, celebrating successes
Building Capacity for Change: Supporting, connecting, and collaborating to empower community
SNBSC, under its Community Development mandate, hosts one of 12 Community Inclusion Networks established throughout the province in support of the provincial poverty reduction plan, Overcoming Poverty Together.
With the support of the Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation (ESIC), these networks champion poverty reduction in their respective regions through a community development approach. Each network seeks representation from the four sectors: community with lived experience of poverty, non-profit organizations, private sector businesses and government. Each network develops a regional poverty reduction plan through consultation with local communities and then works to fulfill that plan by working with community resources and organizations to develop and deliver programming tailored to local needs.
Timeline 2006 - 2023