Community Development


How We Work

We recognize that poverty reduction is a broad and complex area of work and that we need to be focused in our efforts to continue to be relevant and to maximize our impact. 

SNBSC supports poverty reduction initiatives throughout Charlotte County through coordination, networking, planning, information, and grant funding. Areas of focus are determined by our Regional and Provincial Poverty Reduction Plans as well as Priority Areas identified through our communities and research.

Regional Plans are created by SNBSC with input from Southwest NB communities and leaders and usually run for 2 year periods. The most recent regional plan was released January 2022: Region 8 (2021-2023)

Provincial Plans are created by ESIC with input from communities all across New Brunswick and run for a 5 year period. The most recent plan was released in March 2020: Overcoming Poverty Together 3.

Community Priorities are areas identified by the community that have a significant impact on the quality of people’s lives. They include:

  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Education/Learning (including health)
  • Food Security
  • Community Economic Development

Priority Actions are general actions that are proven to make an impact on poverty and improve the quality of people’s lives:

  1. Increased income 
  2. Reduced living costs
  3. Breaking the cycle of generational poverty

Impact in 2019 - 2020


Charlotte Dial-a-Ride (between July 2019 and June 2020):

  • 6,431 drives arranged for trips related to medical, work, education/training, and life essentials.

  • Provided a safe option for essential medical transportation, and safe and affordable delivery for grocery and pharmacy needs amidst COVID-19 restrictions.

Charlotte Dial-a-Ride (between July 2020 to September 2020) :

  • 1252 drives for trips related to medical, work/training, life essentials, deliveries, social/community.


  • Milltown Elementary School - I Can Read! (2019-2020): Helping students improve and maintain literacy and numeracy levels - 92% of participating students showed improvement in their guided reading level (though COVID-19 did impact the overall result).

  • Blacks Harbour School - Creating Possibilities program (2019-2020): Helping students improve and maintain literacy and numeracy levels.

  • Essential Skills For Atlantic Fisheries (2019-2020): 10 Mentors trained in mentor and supervisory skills; 4 Employers participated; 8 participants secured a job in the fishing industry and 8 accepted jobs outside the fishing industry (Covid-19 impacted results).

  • Boys and Girls Club of Charlotte County - Jr. Leaders in Training (2019-2020): 12-18 year-olds volunteering, job-shadowing, learning and being mentored.


  • VCCC - Building Community Capacity (2019-2020): Strategic planning and mentorship provided for 4 non-profit organizations in Charlotte County


  • VCCC supported SNBSC and a working group on a housing needs assessment for municipalities across Southwest NB. The work provided data that showed some of the critical housing needs in the County. This data is available to be used by Municipalities, Developers and Non-profits to make better informed decisions and for funding applications related to housing.

COVID19 Related

  • Senior Support Funding - A collaboration to administer the New Horizons seniors funding from the Federal Government, VCCC and partners* helped to provide supports for especially vulnerable seniors across Charlotte County. This included: 180 Care Kits (with masks, sanitizer, bathroom tissue), technology for individuals and groups, a variety of emotional and social support activities facilitated by homes and organizations, ferry tickets, grocery cards, Meals on Wheels and other specific needs that came up.

    *The United Way, St. George & Area Foodbank, Horizon Health and the Volunteer Centre of Charlotte County were instrumental in facilitating. Other groups that made this possible: Extra Mural, Hospice of Charlotte County, St. Croix Wellness & Renewal, Community Living Centre, Charlotte County Activity Centre, Health Centres (St. Stephen, Campobello and St. George), The Open Door (St. Andrews), Meals on Wheels, Senior and Special Care Homes, Cox Electronics, Island Trucking, East Coast Transport and other individuals.

  • Charlotte Food Security COVID19 Response - In March, VCCC brought together an informal group, including local food banks and community school coordinators, to work together watching for food security needs, channel information and resources, and provide network support. This group has met regularly since March.