The Southwest New Brunswick Service Commission (SNBSC) provides professional planning and development services to the Village of McAdam, the Rural Community of Fundy Shores, the Rural Community of Eastern Charlotte, the Town of Saint Andrews, the Municipal District of St. Stephen, and the Rural District of Southwest New Brunswick. Planning services help southwest New Brunswick communities set an overall vision and policy for the development of land, conservation, cultural resources, facilities, infrastructure, services, transportation and future growth. Planning is a process under the Community Planning Act that relies on citizen involvement and is done to promote the public interest. Plans are ultimately adopted under the authority of an elected council. In some cases, they are adopted by the Minister of Local Government and Local Governance Reform.
The planning of public infrastructure projects, as well as the implementation of zoning by-laws or regulations, are the main tools that a community has to see its vision for development become a reality. SNBSC supports communities by providing planning advice and administering the zoning by-laws that help guide and direct new development in accordance with their plans. For example, the approval of building permits or subdivision of land can only be done on the basis of compliance with all planning by-laws or regulations. Applications for new building or developments in region or member are received and reviewed directly by SNBSC. Use this regional map to find out what by-law is in effect for your property.
Sample of some of the plans authored by SNBSC's registered professional planners (RPP):
Town of St. George Municipal Plan (land use & infrastructure plan)
Town of St. Stephen Industrial Park Secondary Municipal Plan (land use & infrastructure plan)
Fundy Bay Planning Area Rural Plan (land use plan)