



Planning Review and Adjustment Committee Meeting, Thursday December 19th at 6:30 PM (online)
  • The Planning Review and Adjustment Committee (PRAC) meeting for the Southwest New Brunswick Service Commission will be held online using Zoom Webinar on Thursday, December 19th, 2024, at 6:30 PM. LINK A to join online meeting. Call (506) 466-3141 for in-person options before noon (12:00 PM) on Thursday December 19th.

  • You can download the agenda, report, and information about the applications here: LINK B



The Planning Review and Adjustment Committee (PRAC) oversees the recommendations made by the planning division. The PRAC is the authority that approves recommended variances for partner municipalities and rural areas subject to planning guidelines.

Membership: PRAC members are appointed by the board of the Southwest New Brunswick Service Commission. Each partner municipality is afforded one position on the PRAC, and the remaining positions are allocated to rural residents.

Members:  Sam Walsh, Chair; Vance Johnson, Vice Chair; Brian Cornish, Raymond Hall; Mat Rouleau; Lorraine Thompson; and Skip Wolf.

Meetings: The PRAC meets, in general, on the third Thursday of each month, except for Statutory Holidays, in which case the meeting is the second Wednesday of that month. These meetings may be held anywhere within the region.



Minutes of past meetings

Minutes will be posted shortly after they are approved (ie: after the next PRAC meeting.)

Note: Decisions related to Saint Andrews begin in December 2017. Decisions related to McAdam begin in  January 2019. Decisions related to St. Stephen began February 2020. For (Planning Advisory Committee) decisions in those municipalities prior to those dates, please refer to the municipality in question.